It’s important that your child starts practicing good dental habits in their early years so their teeth can be healthy in their later years. the Pediatric Dentistry team at Parkcrest Dental describe some bad habits your child may be practicing and how to prevent them.
Using Mouthwash As A Substitute To Brushing
It’s common for kids to only use mouthwash and skip out on brushing because it’s time-consuming. While mouthwash is a perfect aid to conquering bad breath and fighting plaque, it’s no substitute for brushing.
Mouthwash can only take off so much plaque and tartar build-up. Brushing can eliminate all of these factors due to the harder scrubbing and pressure of brushing compared to mouthwash. To ensure a bright smile and a better clean, always brush your teeth before you use mouthwash.
Using A Pacifier
Using a pacifier is normal for children under the age of three. When your child starts to hit the ages of four and five and they’re still using a pacifier, it’s time to eliminate this habit.
While pacifiers seem harmless, they can actually start misaligning your teeth as they grow older. This can cause your child’s teeth to become crooked and eventually need braces down the line. Slowly start swapping the pacifier out for other things such as toys or cuddles so your child can stop relying on their pacifier.
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Developing A Sugary Diet
Sugars and sweets are a great reward for good behavior or for celebrations. However, eating too many sweets can cause cavities as well as tons of tartar build-up on your child’s teeth.
While it may not make much of an impact now, later down the line sweets can really take a toll on a child’s tooth enamel. Limiting their sugar intake can really benefit their teeth in the long run.
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Chewing On Hard Objects
This can be anything from hard candies to chewing the tops of pencils or even fingernails. Biting and chewing on these hard objects can break or chip your teeth causing damage. Fixing these chips and cracks aren’t easy so it’s better to prevent them in the first place.
Visit Dr. Stuart Scott at Parkcrest Dental
If you’re looking for a highly educated pediatric dentist that knows his stuff, Dr. Stuart Scott at Parkcrest Dental Group is for you. He’s more than happy to educate and help your child practice better dental habits. Contact us at Parkcrest Dental Group today to schedule your first appointment with us.