While bad breath can seem like a small problem, it can develop into much bigger problems down the road, like Halitosis. While you may not notice your own breath, others probably will if you aren’t taking care of your oral health. If you’re struggling with bad breath and notice your co-workers cringing away from you as you talk, Parkcrest Dental Group recommends a few methods to take care of your bad breath.
There may be leftover food particles stuck inside or behind a tooth that you can’t reach. Brushing is an easy way to clean your teeth and keep bad breath away. Make sure you’re hitting every tooth, because even missing one can leave a bad taste in your mouth.
Sometimes food particles or bacteria can get stuck in-between those hard to reach places in your mouth. If left unattended for long enough, they can give off a foul odor. Flossing after each meal is a simple task you can perform to make sure that you’re not leaving anything left behind.
Mouth Wash
If mouthwash isn’t a part of your dental routine, Parkcrest Dental Group thinks it should be! Mouthwash not only reduces plaque and tartar build up, but it’ll help keep your breath nice and clean. Simply use after brushing for a cleaner, fresher, and healthier smile.
Tongue Scraper
Some bad breath germs may reside on the tongue, and can’t be removed without a tongue scraper or careful toothbrushing. Brushing your tongue after you brush your teeth can do the trick, but a tongue scraper will undoubtedly get the job done. After scraping off any bacteria or germs on your tongue, your tongue and breath will smell a lot better.
Drink Water
If you don’t drink enough water, your mouth can become dry and have a hard time breaking down food particles left over in your mouth. Drinking a few more cups of water a day can rehydrate your mouth and get your saliva glands working again.
Chew Gum
Need a quick fix? Chewing gum is a great solution if you need fresh breath fast. Spearmint and cinnamon are excellent flavors if you want fresh breath.
Visit Parkcrest Dental Group
Can’t seem to get rid of your bad breath? Make an appointment with your dentist so they can figure out what’s going on. Most likely it’s a deeper issue than what you believe. At Parkcrest Dental Group, we are invested in our community’s health. We believe that oral hygiene is a serious key to living a healthy life. If you or your family are looking for a dental office you can trust for your cavity filling, visit Parkcrest Dental Group today. You can call our team directly at 417-887-1220 to set up an appointment. Or you can set up an appointment online at the Parkcrest Dental contact page.