Some pediatric dentistry professionals call them deciduous teeth, most parents refer to them as baby teeth, and just about everyone finds them adorable. But do you know when to expect your child’s first tooth? Do you know exactly what to do when these teeth begin breaking through the gums? If you are a first-time parent or an expecting parent, then you need to understand the importance of your child’s first tooth. Great pediatric dentistry at Parkcrest Dental Group will help keep your baby’s smile healthy, but we need your help. Here are a few things to know about your child’s teeth.
When to Expect Baby Teeth
All babies develop at different rates for a lot of different reasons or no reason at all. Children’s teeth come in at different times as well, but our pediatric dentistry professionals find that children typically start to get teeth after the five-month mark. On average, children have six teeth by the time they reach one year. Most children have a full mouth of teeth by the time they reach the age of three. Some infants, however, come into the world with teeth. This is more common than most people think. Unless these teeth make it difficult for your child to breathe, you have nothing to worry about.
What to Do With a Teething Baby
When baby teeth break through the gums, your child will feel very uncomfortable. There are a few ways you can help them soothe the pain. Most pediatric dentistry professionals agree that a clean, cool, and wet washcloth helps a lot. You should gently rub your child’s gums with the cloth. Give your child teething rings as well. Your child will love rubbing gums against the ring, but you need to buy rings without liquid inside in case they burst.
Related Post: Pediatric Dentist: Soothing A Teething Baby
When to Take Your Child to a Pediatric Dentistry Office
Most of us in the pediatric dentistry profession agree that your child should visit a pediatric dentist by their first birthday. The first appointment typically has more to do with you than with your child. We educate you on things to watch out for and on how to care for your child’s teeth. If your baby doesn’t mind, we will clean his or her teeth as well.
Related Post: How Often Should My Child Visit The Pediatric Dentist Office?
Come Visit Us at Parkcrest Dental Group
Stay tuned for our follow-up blog post on baby teeth. If you need any dentistry work in the meantime, feel free to look us up. We offer both general dentistry and pediatric dentistry at Parkcrest Dental Group. We do anything from wisdom teeth removal to teeth whitening to braces in Springfield, MO. We look forward to hearing from you.