Invisalign represents an advanced orthodontic appliance that might be appropriate for your situation if you want straighter teeth and an improved smile.
Today’s blog from Parkcrest Dental Group answers several frequently asked questions about Invisalign.
What is Invisalign?
This orthodontic appliance is a clear alternative to metal braces for kids, teenagers, and adults. Your orthodontist replaces clear trays every few weeks as the device gradually moves your teeth into an improved position for a great smile.
What is Invisalign made of?
These clear aligners or trays are comprised of polyurethane resins, a special type of medical-grade plastic.
What is the average cost of Invisalign?
$3,000 to $5,000. Your costs may vary.
What does the Invisalign process look like?
Your dentist will outline the Invisalign process for you.
In general, consultations and appointments follow this process:
- Your first appointment to talk. A first appointment where your orthodontist discusses whether Invisalign is right for you, how it works, and how long you may need these trays.
- Digital molding process. This occurs when your dentist takes x-rays, digital photos, and 3-D digital scans of your teeth to create an accurate model of your mouth and teeth. These files go to the Invisalign laboratory. Expect this appointment to take anywhere from 90 minutes to 2 hours.
- Receiving your first set of aligners. Expect to spend about an hour at this third appointment. Here, you will try on your first set of aligners. You’ll also practice taking the aligners in and out of your mouth. Your orthodontist will also go over daily care instructions, how many hours per day you need to wear it, and how to clean the Invisalign.
- Your fourth appointment is when you receive your next set of aligner trays. This happens anywhere from six to 12 weeks. Your orthodontist also checks on your progress. This appointment usually lasts about 15 minutes.
- Your final appointment lasts around 45 minutes. Your orthodontist may take silicone molds for your retainers if you need them. You’ll also receive before and after photos to showcase how far you’ve come since you first had Invisalign!
Is Invisalign painful?
No, Invisalign is not painful. However, it might leave your teeth sore and slightly uncomfortable because of the pressure exerted on your teeth as they move slowly.
How long should I wear my Invisalign trays?
Your orthodontist will tell you how long to wear Invisalign every day, but in general, you should wear them 22 hours a day or more.
When should I remove Invisalign?
Remove Invisalign when you eat, drink, and brush your teeth.
How do I keep Invisalign trays clean?
Rinse your Invisalign with water every night, and brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush (not the one you brush your teeth with), and use special retainer cleaners you can purchase over the counter. You can also purchase Steraligner or cleaning crystals from Invisalign for best results.
Where can I get Invisalign in Springfield, Missouri?
Contact Parkcrest Dental or call (417) 887-1220 for more information or to make an appointment with us. Dr. Steven Harrison is our board-certified orthodontist with more than 30 years of experience!