As you age, your dental health may begin to diminish. It’s common for seniors to develop gum disease, dry mouth, root decay, and tooth decay over time. Your oral health can even affect your overall health if your teeth are not taken care of properly. Parkcrest Dental suggests three different ways you can keep up with your dental hygiene as you get older.
Manage Oral Health
Making regular visits to your dentist can keep your teeth one step ahead of potential oral health problems. Getting your teeth professionally cleaned is needed to remove any stuck on plaque and tartar that can lead to diseases. If you’re feeling any sharp pains when you bite into foods or as you’re going about your day-to-day life, discuss these problems with your dentist. Dental visits are a good time to talk about anything that’s troubling you with your oral health.
Take Up Good Habits
Good oral health always starts with taking up good habits. These habits include brushing at least twice a day and flossing after you eat and before you go to sleep. Good habits also include eating foods that don’t cause a lot of plaque or tartar build up. Drinking lots of water and chewing sugarless gum are also good habits to take up. If your toothbrush hasn’t been doing its job or it’s now difficult for you to care for your teeth, talk to your dentist about other alternative dental products you can use.
Replace Any Missing Teeth
With age comes the risk of teeth falling out due to tooth decay. If any of your teeth begin to come loose or fall out, notify your dentist immediately. If your teeth seem to be deteriorating quickly, you may want to think about getting dentures or veneers. They act as artificial teeth and perform very similar to regular teeth.
Manage Your Oral Health With Parkcrest Dental
Parkcrest Dental has completed many cosmetic dentistry procedures including putting in dentures and veneers. Think you’re in need of cosmetic dentistry? Contact us today or visit our Springfield, MO location for more details.