If you have a child athlete, you probably have worried about injuries. Most parents tend to worry about broken bones or concussions but do not realize that mouth and teeth injuries are the most frequent injury child athletes receive. If your child is an athlete or is thinking about joining a sport, a visit to the pediatric dentistry office for a custom mouthguard can be an excellent idea. A pediatric dentist can help to both protect your child’s teeth and repair any damage that has occurred. Learn how a pediatric dentistry visit is key to protecting your child’s smile below.
Related Post: Parkcrest Dental Group On How Athletes Can Protect Their Mouth
Why Visit a Pediatric Dentistry Professional For a Mouth Guard
Many parents make the mistake of thinking any mouth guard will work to protect their child’s smile. Unfortunately, that could not be further from the truth. As is often the case, you get what you pay for. A custom mouth guard is designed with better technology and materials than a standard mouth guard at a sporting goods store. It is important to realize that repairing a chipped tooth is much more expensive than investing in a mouth guard designed by our pediatric dentistry office.
Related Post: Parkcrest Dental Group: Does It Matter What Mouth Guard I Use?
What Differentiates a Standard Mouth Guard and a Custom Mouth Guard?
The biggest difference between standard and custom mouthguards from a pediatric dentistry office is fit. For a mouthguard to work optimally, it needs to fit your child’s teeth. A standard mouthguard is a one-size fit all and does not offer the protection that your child needs.
Many parents do not realize that a mouthguard protects more than just your child’s teeth. A custom mouthguard also helps to reduce the risk of potential concussions by reducing the impact of the lower jaw and mandible. A standard mouthguard moves inside a young athlete’s mouth, while a mouthguard designed by our pediatric dentistry office will stay in place and help to cushion any blow to the jaw.
In addition, many children have issues with their gag reflex when wearing a standard mouth guard. The number one cause of gag reflex issues is movement, extension past the last tooth, and extension too far onto the palate. Ensuring exact fit helps to keep the mouth guard in place and prevents the over extension that plagues standard mouth guards.
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Visit Dr. Stuart Scott for a Mouthguard Designed by a Pediatric Dentistry Expert
Led by Dr. Stuart Scott, our pediatric dentistry wing is filled with experts dedicated to protecting your child’s dental health. If you are in need of a custom mouthguard to protect your young athlete, schedule an appointment today. Our team is more than happy to ensure your child has the best protection available. Contact us today at 417-262-5515 to learn more.