Most of us know the basics of caring for our teeth: brush and floss twice daily, and limit those sugary snacks. Just as there are some foods that can harm our teeth, there are also foods that can help, particularly our enamel. Tooth enamel is the hardest, most mineral-rich substance in our body, but it is not immune to its surroundings.
Nutrition, diet, and oral health all go hand in hand. We need healthy teeth to chew our food. What food we are chewing can make a big difference in the health of our teeth. Today, Parkcrest Dental Group takes a look at some foods that can help strengthen our enamel and keep us chewing in good oral health.
Eat Your Veggies
Remember those days of childhood when your mother would look at you across the dinner table and remind you to eat your vegetables? Well, your Parkcrest Dental Group dentist would like to reinforce this. Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale and broccoli contain vitamin K, which is a wonderful source of calcium.
Also, don’t ignore that spinach on your plate. Spinach is extremely rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. These are all important to strengthening your teeth.
Celery can also help protect teeth and enamel by cleaning the surface of your teeth. Its fibrous structure also requires longer chewing time, which can promote saliva secretion and maintain a healthy pH level in your mouth.
Strawberries are full of antioxidants and vitamin C which are important to maintaining healthy teeth. Strawberries also have a natural exfoliating effect due to their malic acid content. This can help whiten your teeth while removing enamel-harming tartar.
Do not actually rub the fruit on your teeth, however, as an excess of malic acid can actually harm or dissolve tooth enamel. To keep enamel healthy, Parkcrest Dental Group suggests incorporating strawberries into your diet as a healthy snack or dessert.
Animal Protein
Most animal proteins such as those found in chicken and beef contain phosphorus, which is a mineral essential to healthy tooth enamel. When phosphorus is paired with calcium and vitamin D, healthy bones and teeth are created. Tofu is a good alternative for vegetarians, as it contains a good amount of protein and also has the added benefits of calcium and magnesium
Drinking water helps ensure a clean mouth. It washes away trapped debris between teeth that serve as a breeding ground for enamel-harming bacteria. It’s also good to swish and rinse your mouth with water after drinking or eating acidic, enamel-dissolving foods such as alcohol, coffee, and lemons to keep the harsh foods from dissolving enamel. And by staying hydrated your body will have a stronger immune system to help potentially ward off gum disease.
Visit Parkcrest Dental Group To Discuss Healthy Eating Habits
At Parkcrest Dental Group, we care about the health and wellness of your teeth. Good oral health is an important part of your overall health and wellbeing. If you have questions about your oral health, contact Parkcrest Dental Group today.