When going away to college, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the college lifestyle and neglect your oral health. It happens to the best of us, but it’s important to stay on top of things. Today in the Parkcrest Dental blog, we’ll talk about the risk factors for college students and how they can keep up with their oral health.
Risk Factors
When students go away to college, they’re likely to try new things and overindulge on occasion. Here are some risk factors that face college students and their oral health.
One of the most common things associated with going to college is alcohol use. Alcohol can actually be pretty bad for your oral health if you’re not careful. When you drink alcohol, you’re drastically reducing your saliva production. Ever wake up after a night of drinking and feel like you haven’t had water in what seems like forever? That dry mouth is a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, which will cause cavities. If you choose to drink in college, remember to do it in moderation. Not only is it safer for you overall, it’s better for your oral health too.
Smoking tobacco is extremely bad for your oral health. When you smoke tobacco on a regular basis you’ll be increasing your risk for oral cancer. This also causes saliva production issues, so cavities are a problem too. Also, continuous smoking can eventually lead to your teeth yellowing.
With a fast-paced college lifestyle, it’s common for a student’s diet to go a little off-the-rails. Going out to eat often, drinking energy drinks and coffee, and other unhealthy dietary habits can lead to oral health issues. There’s nothing inherently wrong with any of these things, but it’s important to keep moderation in mind. Trying to have a healthier diet is generally a good way to help prevent these issues.
Don’t Neglect Your Routine
When you’re in college, constant studying, socializing, and late nights can make you neglect other things in your life. It can be easy to forget to brush before going to bed because you’re so exhausted, and then you forget to brush when you’re running late for class. It’s understandable, but it’s essential to make time for your oral health routine. You want your teeth to last you all your life, so make sure you’re taking care of them!
Come to Your Dentist in Springfield, MO
Don’t forget to make your regular dentist appointments when you’re in college! Your cleanings will help keep the cavities at bay and keep your teeth healthy and looking great. Contact Parkcrest Dental Group today for more information and to schedule an appointment.