While a night out drinking may seem like a good time, consistently drinking alcohol can have a negative impact on the health of your teeth. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CD) consider heavy drinking to be more than eight drinks per week for women, and fifteen drinks per week for men. Today, Parkcrest Dental Group will discuss some of the ways in which regularly drinking alcohol can affect the health of your teeth.
If you generally order heavily colored drinks, you risk potentially staining your teeth. Red wine, sangria, or other colored drinks all have the potential to leave stains where they come in contact with your teeth. Alcoholic drinks mixed with sodas can be even more problematic as the acidity of your drink can deteriorate your enamel, exposing your teeth to stains. Beer can also cause stains as it too is acidic and can cause your teeth to be stained by the dark barley and malts found in beer.
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One of the negative effects of alcohol that many people overlook is how it can lead to dehydration. Saliva plays an essential role in the health of your mouth. Not only will saliva help wash away bacteria from your enamel naturally, it also helps to build and maintain the soft tissues of your gums. If you plan on drinking, ensure you mix in a few glasses of water between your alcoholic beverages.
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High Sugar Content
Most people are aware that sugar consumption can quickly lead to tooth decay. However, many people don’t realize how much sugar is in their alcoholic drinks. While it is true that alcohol itself is sugar-free, the vast majority of people consume alcohol in a mixed drink. For instance, an 8-ounce pina colada contains over 50 grams of sugar! Be careful to avoid lots of sugar during a night out, and make sure when you get home, you thoroughly brush and floss your teeth before bed.
Visit Parkcrest Dental Group for Your Next Dental Appointment
Regardless of your drinking habits, it is important to regularly schedule dental checkupswith your dentist. At Parkcrest Dental Group, our team is dedicated to ensuring you keep a happy, healthy smile. Schedule your next appointment online, or if you have questions, give our team a call today at 417-887-1220 to learn more.