Is Mouthwash A Necessity? | Parkcrest Dental Group
Mouthwash has always been a necessity on my shopping list along with toothpaste and floss, but is it really necessary? On average, mouthwash is only in your mouth for about 30 seconds before it heads down the drain. Is that enough time for anything to happen?
It’s widely understood that mouthwash is not an adequate replacement for general oral care, so what does it do exactly and why do I need it? Parkcrest Dental Group is here to shed light on some much needed answers to this mystery.
Mouthwash Only Masks
Contrary to popular belief, mouthwash actually only masks bad breath- it does not clean or help maintain healthy teeth. If you consistently brush and floss your teeth properly and regularly visit your dentist at Parkcrest Dental Group, then mouthwash does not offer anything extra to your routine care. If you’re the type of person that never flosses and occasionally skips brushing, however, it could help you out a bit.
There are a few benefits mouthwash provides that’s helpful to point out. While mouthwash does not rinse the dental plaque on your teeth away, it does kill the harmful bacteria living inside the plaque. Depending on the type of mouthwash you purchase, you can target different areas of focus. Some types of mouthwash offer chemical and biological applications that focus on specific problem areas other than bad breath.
There are Many Types of Mouthwash
If you’ve already determined which function you’d like your mouthwash to play, there are many brands that claim to target specific problems or areas you want addressed. Broadly, cosmetic mouthwash focuses on pleasant taste and masking that bad breath. Therapeutic mouthwash options, in contrast, target whitening, desensitizing, tooth decay, and anti-plaque solutions.
It’s important to note that with all the types of mouthwash on the market today, choosing the wrong type can cause unwanted tooth and gum sensitivity. If you have a specific target area in mind, like relieving dry mouth or mouth sores, it’s always best to contact your dentist at Parkcrest Dental Group for more information on what will be most effective for you.
Parkcrest Dental Group
Besides you, nobody knows the ins and outs of your teeth more than your dentist. If you have more questions about whether or not mouthwash will be beneficial for you, reach out to Dr. Harrison at Parkcrest Dental Group today. From pediatric to cosmetic dentistry, we can help solve your dental problems with the highest quality of care possible. Call us today at 417.262.5515 or make an appointment with Parkcrest Dental Group today.